Monday, January 25, 2010

Another Manic Monday

Six o'clock already
I was just in the middle of a dream
I was kissin' Valentino
By a crystal blue Italian stream

But I can't be late
'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid
These are the days
When you wish your bed was already made

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it were Sunday

'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monda

Haha, that song has been in my head all day :)

Today was good. I took the boy-child to work with me this morning. It was amazing just to be able to do that again. He is getting so big! His imagination awes me and melts my heart. I have honestly missed spending my days with him. Ive had this consuming guilt over leaving him at home while I spend my days with other peoples children. His struggles with sensory have made it hard to bring him with me anymore, but I think we are finally getting somewhere with him. He still can be quite the ......donkey, but he is learning to control his urges and vocalize more.

After work I picked up the Diva from school. Im trying as hard as I can to continue being available to pick her up on Mondays. I dont get any other time with her during the school week and it has caused some issues. We headed over to Sprouts and shopped, shopped, shopped. I *heart* me some Sprouts. The amazing produce, fresh nuts/granola/rice/dried fruits/veggies, and their amazing selection of gluten-free products for the boy-child. Oh, and the best part? Theyre so f'ing cheap! I spent a little under $140 and had 11bags of groceries. 11! Let me tell you, gluten-free is so not cheap, yet here I spent so little and got so much! It made my day. Ahh the simple things in life :)

I have a killer headache from not getting enough sleep. From the time I went to bed to the time we left the house was 4hrs and 45minutes! I cannot repeat such horrible things again!

My goal is to get all 'A's this semester. There really is no reason I shouldnt. I really am quite book smart. I just suck at time management these days. Somewhere along the way I dropped the ball. I feel so out of place in conversations that dont relate to parenting and that just is mortifying. I used to have something to say.......something intelligent. Dont ask me what though ;)