Monday, September 27, 2010

School, School, School

The boy-child is on day 3 of school. Each day he is excited to go, but clings to me like white on rice when its time to leave him. Hes always chattering away when I pick him up though, so im sure hes having fun :-)
He also had his 3rd session with his new occupational therapist today and I dont think I like her too much. This was the first time I was able to meet her and with all 3 sessions she has complained about him not knowing his colors 100% of the time. She has decided hes color blind (insert big, dramatic eye-roll.) I will give her 2 more sessions to impress me before I decide to ask for another therapist.

I am waaaaaaaaay behind in chemistry. As in 7 lessons behind, and I have not done one single lab assignment yet. I figure that my economics class will be over with in a few weeks and then I will tackle chemistry. 6 classes is too much!

Ive agreed to watch my niece on Fridays and occasional Saturdays(for free!!). There goes my only day off :-(

I also agreed to go camping. Dont ask why. I hate camping with an intense passion. Like, id rather shoot myself than camp. Yet, somehow I got roped into saying yes.

Ive got most of my Christmas shopping done. Yay! Its all been clearance stuff. Double yay!!

I really need to sit down and get some scrap booking done. Maybe we need to come up with an 8th day of the week..?