Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The result of procrastination...

I dropped my math class. Im a flipping genius I tell you!
Crunch time arrived, I did not. I figured why pay $15 an hr to have someone proctor a 3hr exam that I was most likely going to fail.
Im a visual person. Online math just wasnt my thing. Im retaking it in person next semester :-)

Speaking of next semester. Im taking night classes;5-10pm three nights a week... In a "shady" part of town. Ive always done early morning classes, so this will be interesting. The downside is that I will only be home one night a week :-(

Another bit of procrastination....
My weight. I was supposed to be down 30lbs at this point. I think ive gained a few....

......Going to the doctor. I have not been to one since my 4week check-up after having the Boy-child. I cant remember the last time I want to just a general Dr. Urgent care is just much more convenient these days (and only when im near "death") BUT...im finally going to a Dr. on Thursday. Ive got some things that just cannot be ignored anymore.....

.....SLEEP! Im looking at 4hrs a night. Why? Because I force myself to stay awake to enjoy the quietness. Im sure I would enjoy sleep just as much, but each night I push past the urge for at least an hr, if not 3!

So let me be a lesson...

Dont procrastinate! Youll just end up undereducated, fat, and sleep deprived ;-)