Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Men are dogs/pigs/"donkeys"....


I know plenty of bitter women out there who regularly spew what horrible creatures men are. My sister is one of them. I always remind her that she has a nephew ;-)

So on to the point of this pointless post...

This week I have really wanted to kick some men in a not so nice area.
Ive dealt with many men. Young, old, really old. You get the idea. I do not generally label them as "animals."

I have found them to all be basic in their general thoughts and actions. They usually center around sex, sports, and food. Oh, and sex.
I can appreciate this in men. I get the love of casual sex, a good game, and awesome food. I partake in all of it!

I do not get crudeness and rudeness.
Dont ask me to be [essentially] your personal raunchy porn star. Im up for most things and very giving, why push it?
Dont expect me to be cool with being blown off. If you want something purely for your convenience hire a personal assistant/house cleaner/prostitute... whatever. If you cant show some basic respect and appreciation, fuck off!
Umm, what happened to opening doors for women? Or even just holding it open once you pass through and see someone coming up behind you?
Married men: Please remember to compliment your wife. Romance her a little. Something. Doing the job I do, I am around many married women. They all complain about their husbands lack of attention. Ask yourself, would she have married you if you were the person you are today?

Ok. The end...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Who Am I?

I hear often [on Oprah] that women dont really discover themselves until their late 30's/40's. Its always "I didnt know who I was." or some other variation of the same sentiment.
I can recognize this in myself. I know who and what I want to be. I know the steps to get there. I do not, however, know who I currently am.
I am ..........................blah. This is not to say that I am a much different person than I appear to be, but that .............im not functioning at full potential :0) I have shut myself down so much in order to cope. Survive. Deal.

I want to continually discover who I am. Not just find myself at 40.
I believe in living without regret. I think the only regret I can foresee is not letting myself live a bit.

So, im now -
Gym-going.(Not to be confused with outgoing, haha)
Calorie-restricting (sob!)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


What time is it?
I dont have the time for ____
Time sure does fly!
Now is not the time!
Its time for a change!
Where has the time gone?
Remember the time__?

The word time is in our vocabulary so much (mine especially!)

I often wonder why our lives revolve around time. I like to speculate that its because once-upon-a-time there was someone as schedule obsessed as myself. [However, I do blame my need for schedule on the fact that I grew up without one and my mother always ran late]
This week, I really have no time. Well, im sure if I made extra effort I could squeeze an extra hour into the day...
Im just so busy. I had several opportunities present themselves this week that I just had to turn down. I
also missed a very important Dr. appointment because I didnt manage time well.
I have yet to take advantage of 2 separate gym trials...really, like I have the time to be fat?
There are times that I think time is confused with effort. Such as my gym saga...

As for the other type of "time"...
My birthday is quickly approaching. I know im still young, but I do feel that my life is just slipping away. Im not where I want to be. I dont want to just be starting life at 30, damnit! I want to enjoy my 20's (which, to date, I have not) and be successful. I fully intend to be done raising kids in my 40's, thus allowing me to enjoy the success I achieved in my 20's (see how this all ties together?)
I desperately want another baby, too(well, 2-3 more actually.) Its been nagging at me for months now. Ahh, but the timing....