Wednesday, January 12, 2011

School School School

I officially start school today. A whole week early. Yay for math! [eyeroll]
My loans dont come until sometime next month, so I have to somehow come up with over $500 for books. Yeah, no. Maybe I can just wing it for a bit :)

The Diva is failing. Literally. Worse than usual. Im beyond frustrated. Her comprehension is nill and her care about school is even less. You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink......

The boy-child is doing ok. He had a rough week last week. He has done ok with the transition, but is still asking to go back to his old school. His teacher does not communicate the way his last teacher did; this bugs me.

Im still very, very overwhelmed. Our financial situation is bad. The only bright light is that we can file taxes on Friday. Those should carry us through February. Im still dealing with a lot of anxiety and depression. Might go see a doc. about it soon. I do not like the way I feel!
My amazing friend bailed me out this month. I dont know what I would have done without her!

I scored a 19lb ham for $18 and we have lived off of that for a week. Good thing ham goes with so many things :0) However, I think we will be done with it until Christmas!

Had car trouble again. My alternator went out on the freeway. Yup, I have the best luck when it comes to breaking down; im always in a safe location. Easy fix, but it set me back even more financially :-(

I told a few people how I feel. Surprisingly none of them freaked out. Its been taken well(at least to my face, haha.) They havent changed, but they at least know my opinion and can expect my real reaction to their drama :-)

Im working really hard on thinking positive. Im working a side job to help offset the car repair expense and looking at what I can sell. I truly believe that if I just take it day by day and look at what I DO have, then the rest will fall into place.
I only get one life, and I sure as hell dont want to struggle through it or waste it. I will get all that I want and I will be successful. Struggles build character, right? :-)