Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Magic, magic, magic
Magic, magic, magic
Magic, magic, magic
I got the magic in me!

I have discovered the Magic!

Magic Shaving Powder :-) Its a girls bestfriend. Seriously.
Run out now and buy some. No more jungle between the legs! No more $80 [painful] wax job! Itll be the best 10minutes of your life. Well, maybe not your life, but most certainly your week ;-) And its so freaking cheap! (less than $2) I am as smooth as a baby's butt :-D

[Do you think I use enough exclamation marks?]

On to other magical news......

My momma has been gone for 3 weeks. She left me to fend for myself [read:take care of the kids by myself 24/7] to go care for my grandma. Grams is not doing well and I can only hope she gets magically better.

Ive lost 3lbs this week, for a not-so-grand total of 7lbs for the month of May.

The Diva was tested for learning disabilities and barely qualified for services. This is magical because we wanted her to fail (or pass -however you look at it.) She can use all the extra help she can get :-) (yes, start nominating us for the Worst Parents Award now!)

The boy-child finally started wiping his own butt. Its a freaking miracle , really.

Im hoping to have some BIG news in a few short months. Keep your eyes open 8-)